Planned Giving
Homeownership in College Park, Maryland, can power affordable owner-occupancy far into the future by including the Community Preservation Trust in your estate plan.
A Lifetime Commitment to Affordable Housing
By leaving your home in to the Trust, you commit your legacy to permanent affordable homeownership. Your generosity not only powers affordable owner-occupancy in College Park, it can provide a plan for your home and clarity for your family.
You can bequest your home to the Trust during your lifetime, without the need to relocate.
Thinking of leaving your home to the Trust?
To learn more about incorporating a conveyance in your estate plan, consult with an experienced estate planning attorney and contact Daniel Cunningham at [email protected].
Essential Information
Trust Tax ID: 52-2063054
College Park City-University Partnership, Inc. (Parent of the Trust)
7401 Baltimore Avenue, Suite 201
College Park, MD 20740